Thursday, October 18, 2007
There is a groundbreaking exhibition of about 50 images by famous photographer, Ansel Adams, on display in Elizabeth City! These particular photos document a cruise he took on the Intracoastal Waterway in 1940. Many images are from North Carolina fishing villages. This is only the second time this collection of photos has ever been shown. You can contact the Museum of the Albemarle at 335-1453 for more details. If you visit the museum to see this collection prior to December 2nd, you will receive an extra credit of 5 points on your next report card!! You must bring back proof that you visited (a program personalized to you by the museum director, for example), and you should write a couple of paragraphs telling what you saw and giving your opinion of the work. This is a good way to boost your grade and get to see, up close and personal, the work of a true pioneer of art photography!