This week we have discussed 35mm and Digital cameras. We went into detail about exposure and depth-of-field. These are ESSENTIAL topics in photography. Please see me if there is anything you don't understand. The following sites might help:
We went outside to take depth-of-field shots and turned in a contact sheet.
We did some reading in both the 35mm and Digital books, and completed several worksheets that instructed you to label the parts of the cameras. You should have brought these worksheets to me to check so that you'll get credit for this classwork. You should keep them in your notes for the upcoming test on cameras.
We edited our Architecture shots and turned in the best 5x7 JPG, along with a contact sheet of 12 photos.
If you are missing any of these assignments, please get them in as soon as possible. Late work receives a letter grade deduction---but PLEASE don't take a 'NHI'!!!