Tuesday, October 30, 2007


You all know the rule that late work is only to be accepted ONE WEEK following the original due date--and then with a letter grade deduction. Several students have not submitted one or two projects, and this is having a serious detrimental effect on your grade. Since projects make up such a large percentage of your grade in Photography, missing even one can cause your overall score to drop a letter grade. If you have NHI's (Assignments 'not handed in'), FOR THIS WEEK ONLY, I will accept any projects you have missed---whatever the reason. You MUST submit the entire project (including contact sheets) to the late folder by Thursday. Your grade will reflect how late the project is, and whether or not you hurried through it---but at least you'll get rid of your NHI (zero). This is a one-time offer! Next week we'll go back to the rules as they were set up at the beginning of the year.