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Use the Internet to find six backlit photos that you particularly like. Copy and paste to a word document—one page, two columns. Write a short paragraph about each photo explaining what you find appealing about it. Turn in to completed assignments folder.
Take 35-40 photos that are backlit. These should be a mixture of natural scenes and scenes you set up, all close-up’s (within 8 feet of subject). FOR EACH SHOT, take one with a flash, and one without. Make a contact sheet of the best 12 (6 pairs). I am looking for photos where the backlighting is obvious, and enhances the subject.
Turn in the following photos for your final project grade:
-One 5x7 JPEG close-up, interior or exterior, with backlighting—no flash!
-The same close-up shot, backlit, but with fill light from a flash
The two identical photos should be placed side-by-side before submitting for grading.
When you complete this project, you will have three pages:
1) The word document with the six photos you found on the Internet and captions describing what you like about them
2) The two identical 5x7’s, one with flash and one without, mounted side-by-side
3) The contact sheet of your 12 best shots (6 pairs of identical shots with and without flash)Entire project is due at the end of class December 17th