We have been practicing many techniques of retouching portraits, including whitening teeth, colorizing hair, nose job, frown to a smile, enhancing eyes and eyelashes, removing blemishes, wrinkles, and freckles, applying PhotoShop makeup, etc. I hope you have had an opportunity to experiment with several different techniques.
Your portrait project will be to ENHANCE four portraits through the retouching techniques we are learning, and show 'before' and 'after' shots. Make sure you don't permanently alter your original so you'll have a before photo to use for comparison! You'll make contact sheets of 4 photos, showing two before and after shots side-by-side per page. You'll hand in two contact sheets at the end of class on Friday, December 7th. That's a total of 8 photos---4 'before' photos, and 4 'after' on two contact sheets.I am looking for fairly drastic changes, so use your imagination! Some retouches will be natural-looking. I am not opposed to adding unusual things though (i.e. blue hair, whiskers, tattoos, etc.) Make sure everything you do enhances the image, not detracts from it. And keep it clean! If you are working on the face of a family member, friend, or classmate, make sure what you do will not offend! Your grade will be based upon the amount of work done, technical skill, and overall appearance of final photos. If you choose a harder portrait to fix, you'll likely get a higher grade than if you choose one that needs very little work. At least one photo of the four should include a vignette.