I wanted to give you an opportunity to take care of any missing projects before report cards go out. Please keep in mind that I show NHI until ALL pieces of the project have been submitted. As of January 9th, I am showing the following NHIs:
Backlit (same close-up backlit shot with and without flash, side by side & contact sheet/12)--11,13,16,112,113,43,53,54,56,57,59,510,512
Before and After Portrait Retouch (contact sheet/12, 4 before shots side by side with the same 4 portraits after retouch):112,43,54,55,57,58,59,510,512
Macro (contact sheet/12, 6 edited, best final photo):112,114,43,51,512
Classwork Collage (collage combining several images--any subject):16,43,510
Family/Relationship Themed Collage (contact sheet/12, collage containing elements from at least four photos): 11,13,16,112,43,57,510
Theories of Composition Photo Shoot (classwork grade--contact sheet/12, 6 on Word doc. w/paragraph):16,43,55,56,57,510,512
Landscape (contact sheet/12, 6 edited, best one): 112, 55,57,510
People Collage (collage combining at least five portraits): 116,43,54,59
Catalog page (one photo demonstrating colorizing an article of clothing, with text): 43,58,510,512
Practice Hockney collage (contact sheet/24 b&w photos arranged on white printer paper: 43,510,512
Composition Research Paper: 55, 510
In an effort to raise the grades of some of you who have become very far behind, I will still accept any of the above NHIs until 5:00 p.m., Monday, January 14th. Your grade will, of course, reflect how late the project may be. Remember, projects make up 60% of your grade, and ANY NHIs hurt your grade badly in this class.
I have not yet graded Hockney (paper collage) or the Backlit Landscape (12/6/1), but you know whether or not you've turned those in. They will also be included on this report card.